Articles by:
Jim Palmer
What is a Sprint Triathlon? How do you know where to start? What is on-site registration like? Those are a few of the questions you're likely to have as a new triathlete. It's also quite possible there will be times when, despite all your training and preparation, there will be a voice in your head as you swim, bike, or run that will call into question whether or not you are going to be able to do it. You CAN do it... here's how!
When establishing a triathlon training plan, you need to train in 3 different sports: swimming, biking, running. There are an endless number of training plans to choose from. I would encourage you to think of triathlon training as both a science and an art. Here are some triathlon training plans to consider.
Let's discuss 5 of the most common questions newbie triathletes have about triathlon training and triathlon events. The topics include: wearing underwear, drinking water, airing up bike tires, signing up for the Hawaii Ironman, and drinking energy drinks vs sports drinks. Here's what you need to know.