Sports Nutrition

If you’re training for an endurance sporting event – like a triathlon or ultramarathon – your body will appreciate these helpful nutrition tips for athletes.

The low carb high fat diet (or ketogenic diet) is growing in popularity in the ultra-running community. Here's what you need to know before you get started.

The fruitarian diet plan is usually a natural progression -- from omnivore to vegetarian, vegan, raw foods, and finally fruitarian.

Yes you can be an endurance athlete AND be vegan! Here are 7 simple ways for vegan athletes to get protein and other important nutrients in your diet.

It's not uncommon for a triathlete to drag a nutrition myth or two into the sport. Some of these myths could easily prevent a triathlete from performing optimally. Here are 4 nutrition myths that triathletes may be in danger of believing.

When it comes to sports drinks, bars and gels, it's in your best interest to avoid products with high fructose corn syrup in them. Here's why... plus some alternatives to consider.

Water is the number one concern on any athlete's intake list. This is especially true for triathletes. You must stay hydrated for optimal performance as an endurance athlete. As you swim, bike, and run long distances, you sweat -- which means you lose body weight since water comprises the highest percentage of your weight.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could know exactly how to re-fuel during endurance training and competition to ensure your body had everything it needs to perform at its best? The good news is that you CAN know. Here's everything you need to know about triathlete refueling strategies.

It would be wise for every triathlete to learn more about the 4 key nutrients of triathlon nutrition. Let's start by focusing on carbohydrates. Here's how they work in your body when you're competing. See which foods are highest in carb content.

See how Lance Armstrong turned endurance sport training into a discipline of applied science, with emphasis on the aspects of Psychology and Nutrition.