Competitive Fun

Helpful tips, techniques, and advice for those who enjoy participating in competitive running, biking, or swimming events.

Times have changed. These days, 'old timers' over 40 are kicking butt and taking names. It's never too late to start training for triathlons! Here are some inspirational people who've done it... over 40.

Whether you've just decided to do a triathlon or you've already done 30 of them, it's important to identify a specific triathlon race that you are training to compete in. Doing so gives you a solid goal to work towards, and a focal point to build your training program around. Here's how to choose a triathlon event, and what you need to know about triathlon races.

Where do you start to begin training for your first triathlon? Fortunately, you can find some great online triathlon training, as well as triathlon coaching online. There are also a number of triathlon training guides in the form of triathlon training books, DVDs, and lecture series. Here are some beginner triathlon training programs to consider when you are establishing your triathlon training plan.

I thought I was a pretty good swimmer until I joined the Masters Swim class at our local YMCA. There I was - Mr. Triathlon man, ready to show everyone just how triathlony I was! But I was humbled during that first swim class, and I realized I had a lot to learn and a long way to go. I'm so thankful that I decided to stick with the class, despite the rocky start. Here's why...

While training for triathlons, try to be fully present in the moment and what's going on around you. Let yourself enter into the full sensory experience of sight, smell, and sound around you. Your triathlon training will be much more enjoyable

What makes triathlons fun? Well, it's going to sneak up on you, but one day you are going to come across someone who is right where you are right now. Suddenly, it's going to hit you that you did make it, that you persevered through all the challenges and obstacles, you accomplished your goal, you have become a stronger person -- YOU did it!

I feel overwhelming gratitude for the people I have met and the new friends I have made along the way of training and competing in triathlons. These people have greatly impacted my life. I learned an important life lesson: don't judge people, because there is always more you don't know about someone than what you do know.

There will be times as a newcomer when you will be tempted to reconsider doing triathlons. Here are some of the situations that made me think twice about doing triathlons... Plus, how I eventually got healthy and fit.

One big reason why you will be glad you finished your first triathlon is: The person coming out of the water will not be the same one who went in. After completing the swim, doing the bike, and running across the finish line, it will be a different you. Maybe it is not so much a 'different' you, but a part of you that has only now been awakened.