Cycling FunOutdoor Fun

Unique and helpful running, biking & swimming tips for those who like to run, bike, or swim just for fun – not necessarily on a competitive level.

What's on your cycling bucket list? Here are my favorite cycling trips (in San Francisco, Moab, Park City, and Sedona) -- for every skill level of bike rider.

Thinking of running a half marathon? Don't let these 4 challenges derail you like they do most new runners. I've got some tips to help you overcome these hurdles

I successfully endured (and finished) this horrible, transformational, very bad, epic race! See what it's like running A Race For The Ages in Manchester TN.

I ran 100 miles in the Holston River Endurance Challenge. This 100 mile race was difficult, eye-opening, life-changing. See what I learned + My 5 best tips.

I like to walk. But these 5K training tips helped me improve my pace and physical endurance. They'll help you too, if you're preparing for your first 5K!

by WukieGrl on Flickr

Preparing for your first mud run? Tips from experienced mud runners and little-known secrets to help you prepare (and have more fun) at your first mud run.

Setting your sights on a breast cancer walk like the Komen 3-Day Walk? See what it was like for me... and what you can expect.

Even if you're a new runner, you can do a half marathon in 6 months! Here's a half marathon training schedule so you'll be ready for your first half marathon.

Thinking of doing a fundraising walk or a long walking event? Helpful training tips that I learned firsthand after participating in my first Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk.