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See how to put on a wet suit properly. How to quickly transition from the swim to the bike. How to maximize your efforts on the bike. How to accurately track your bike speed. How to transition from the bike to the run. How to keep your energy level up on a hot day.

Here's an overview to get you ready for the biggest cycling event of the year, with lots of fun ways to stay in the loop with all things Tour de France. Plus, interesting trivia and race facts for Tour de France spectators and fans.

If you are interested in exploring the world of endurance sports beyond or as a complement to triathlon, here are some areas worth investigating.

The Ride of Silence is an annual bike event that honors cyclists who have died in accidents with motor vehicles. It seeks to raise awareness of cyclists' right to the road. Participants ride no faster than 12 mph for no longer than an hour, and they maintain silence as in a funeral procession.

I've learned firsthand that these are some simple ways to save big bucks on gear, equipment, events, and other things that triathletes typically spend a lot of money on.

What if I told you that using a power meter could help you reach the performance level you desire in half the time you would spend training without it? It's going to cost you on the front end, but the investment may prove quite worthwhile, even more economical in the long run.

You can't change your genetics, but you may be a candidate to significantly influence your body composition to aid your performance as a triathlete. Whatever body type you have, and whatever your body fat composition, improving your power-to-weight ratio will aid you in reaching your full potential as a triathlete.

What would it mean for you to be a peaceful triathlete? How could this help you succeed in being the best triathlete you can be? What follows are some discoveries I have made along the way, which I hope aid you in becoming a peaceful triathlete.

See how Lance Armstrong turned endurance sport training into a discipline of applied science, with emphasis on the aspects of Psychology and Nutrition.