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weights and workouts

Many amateur athletes don't place a lot of value on stretching. But professional athletes sure do! And there is no sport where stretching is more important than the sport of triathlon. Triathletes with higher flexibility and elasticity in their muscles, perform more effectively and efficiently than athletes with low-elasticity muscles. Here's how add a basic stretching plan to your training routine.

What muscles are used in a triathlon? How well your muscles perform when swimming, biking and running comes down to how conditioned your muscles are to generate force within a wide range of motion. Weak, inflexible muscles can't generate much power and velocity, and are more prone to injury. This is why strength training is a vital part of triathlon training.

When establishing a triathlon training plan, you need to train in 3 different sports: swimming, biking, running. There are an endless number of training plans to choose from. I would encourage you to think of triathlon training as both a science and an art. Here are some triathlon training plans to consider.