Articles Tagged:

5K events

What is it REALLY like to participate in a mud run obstacle course race? Here's the inside scoop. What to expect & How to prepare for your first mud run!

A longtime runner shares her favorite half marathon training program for beginners, hurdles you'll face, plus tips for success in your first half marathon.

For the adventure-seeking lady, there are lots of women's mud run events in the U.S. & beyond. Give one of these a try for your next girls weekend getaway!

I like to walk. But these 5K training tips helped me improve my pace and physical endurance. They'll help you too, if you're preparing for your first 5K!

by WukieGrl on Flickr

Preparing for your first mud run? Tips from experienced mud runners and little-known secrets to help you prepare (and have more fun) at your first mud run.

Even if you're a new runner, you can do a half marathon in 6 months! Here's a half marathon training schedule so you'll be ready for your first half marathon.

Here are the answers to the most common questions that new 5K runners have...