Articles Tagged:

newbie mistakes

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Following are 3 unique ways that triathletes can benefit from Lance Armstrong's personal experiences and training.

Here are some things you can do to increase the chances that you will actually stick with triathlon as a sport, and continue to meet your short- and long-term goals.

Here are a few benefits of social networking sites for triathletes -- from niche networking to race-specific details, and everything in between. You'll find some of the best triathlon sites to focus on, and ones to stay away from.

What you do this off-season is immensely important and will largely determine your in-season triathlon performance. One way or another, either through improvement or digression, how you handle the next several weeks in your triathlon training is critical.

Usually, triathletes preparing for upcoming events take it upon themselves to test the wisdom of systematic training. However, they pay the price for doing so. Here's how to do systematic training correctly in order to prepare for future triathlon events.

It would presumably take hundreds of training hours to lop 2 minutes off your swim time, and yet 1 hour of transition practice would likely take 2 minutes off your transition time. Here are some tips for improving your transition times during a triathlon race.

I just returned home from a triathlon trip; I competed in an Olympic distance triathlon a few hours from where I live. With it fresh in my mind, what follows are some tips regarding race day of your triathlon -- including what to pack and how to prepare the night before the event.

Let's discuss 5 of the most common questions newbie triathletes have about triathlon training and triathlon events. The topics include: wearing underwear, drinking water, airing up bike tires, signing up for the Hawaii Ironman, and drinking energy drinks vs sports drinks. Here's what you need to know.

A day in the Tri Life consists of making mistakes -- it happens when triathletes are training, as well as on the day of the big event. Mistakes are expected and natural. Here are 3 you might be able to avoid... from someone who's been there, done that.