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newbie mistakes
Triathletes are especially susceptible to injuries because triathlon training and competition pushes the human body to its limits. That's why you should incorporate an injury prevention mentality into your training. Here are some suggestions for preventing triathlete injuries, plus some homeopathic treatments for sports injuries you can try.
I thought I was a pretty good swimmer until I joined the Masters Swim class at our local YMCA. There I was - Mr. Triathlon man, ready to show everyone just how triathlony I was! But I was humbled during that first swim class, and I realized I had a lot to learn and a long way to go. I'm so thankful that I decided to stick with the class, despite the rocky start. Here's why...
What makes triathlons fun? Well, it's going to sneak up on you, but one day you are going to come across someone who is right where you are right now. Suddenly, it's going to hit you that you did make it, that you persevered through all the challenges and obstacles, you accomplished your goal, you have become a stronger person -- YOU did it!
One big reason why you will be glad you finished your first triathlon is: The person coming out of the water will not be the same one who went in. After completing the swim, doing the bike, and running across the finish line, it will be a different you. Maybe it is not so much a 'different' you, but a part of you that has only now been awakened.