*Warning: I am not a medical doctor. Neither am I astronaut, nuclear physicist, or a Zoo monkey handler. So, anything I say about treating injuries, flying rockets, experimenting with nuclear energy, or adopting a chimpanzee for a pet …take this into consideration.
Triathletes are especially susceptible to certain injuries because triathlon training and competition pushes the human body to its limits.
The best way to deal with injuries is not to get them, which means incorporating an injury prevention mentality into your training.
Here are some suggestions:
#1 Make injury prevention a focus for off-season training.
#2 When it comes to swimming, focus on developing proper technique. Bad swimming technique leads to unnecessary injuries. I know from personal experience.
#3 Be sure your bike is set up correctly for your body. If your saddle is too low, it will mess with your knees; too high, your hamstring.
#4 Have good running shoes. Many triathletes have shoes fitted just for their feet, which is a good idea. Foot Solutions is one avenue; check and see if there’s a store near you.
#5 Maintain a stretching routine during the season. Here are three stretching videos: Stretching: Part 1, Stretching: Part 2, and Stretching: Part 3. To stay faithful to a stretching routine, some triathletes join a yoga class.
#6 Don’t fudge on proper nutrition, recovery, and rest.
Do all you can on the prevention side!
The next aspect of dealing with injuries is treating the injuries you experience.
Some common triathlete injuries include:
How To Treat Sports Injuries
Most triathletes treat minor strains and sprains by employing the RICE method. I keep Styrofoam cups with ice stocked in my freezer, which I use to ice down my bum shoulder after a long swim.
Many people also utilize homeopathic remedies to common sports injuries; I have found Arnica to be helpful. I also used a homeopathic remedy to treat swimmers ear, along with using ear plugs. It may be worth your time to have a conversation with someone from your local organic food and homeopathic store who is familiar with treating sports injuries.
When it comes to using Ibuprofen regularly, rather than increasing dosages, consider using it more strategically. For example, you can now purchase topical Ibuprofen to apply to specific areas, which may save your stomach lining. If it’s necessary to use the pills, take them prior to your training session so they can get working in your body. Waiting until you’re finished a long run may be too late in terms of effective and timely relief.
Frequently Asked Questions About Thriathlete Injuries:
1. When should I go see a doctor?
2. Can I train through the pain?
3. If I could drink anything after a hard training session, what should it be? (Remember, this is The FUN Times Guide!)