Articles for tag: cycling, training tips

Bike Training: Hills

I have two hill-climbing strategies that get me through most every type of hill on a bike: 1. Focus on your pedaling motion, find a groove. 2. Switch gears a lot when pedaling up hills. Here's how I switched from fearing hills to conquering them!

How To Beat The Triathlon Blues

This morning when I woke up, being a triathlete felt like a burden. The triathlete blues often hit around August when you're a little worn out, and your most important goals are still ahead of you. Your body has acquired its aches and pains, the summer heat begins to wear on you, and all kinds of frustrations get into your head. Here are some tips for dealing with triathlon blues.

Beginner Triathlon Training Programs & Resources

Where do you start to begin training for your first triathlon? Fortunately, you can find some great online triathlon training, as well as triathlon coaching online. There are also a number of triathlon training guides in the form of triathlon training books, DVDs, and lecture series. Here are some beginner triathlon training programs to consider when you are establishing your triathlon training plan.