Articles Tagged:

women athletes


60 miles? I can do that! That’s the motto for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day For the Cure 60-mile fundraising walk. How I trained and raised money for my first charity walking event.

Diane is a newbie triathlete who shares some tips about getting into the sport of triathlon and how she is dealing with her swimming phobia. Turns out, the fear of swimming in open water is not at all uncommon. Here are some solutions...

There are an increasing number of triathlon resources just for women. To get you started, take some time and explore the following women's triathlon training tips. Plus ideas for triathlon gear and equipment you'll need.

Are you ready for the 2008 USA Olympics?! With just a few days to go, I thought it might be helpful to break down the details on the 2008 Beijing Olympics triathlon competition.

Want to make fast gains in tri training? There are no secrets, and yet there are ways a person can maximize their progress in triathlon training. Here are a few to consider:

Let's discuss 5 of the most common questions newbie triathletes have about triathlon training and triathlon events. The topics include: wearing underwear, drinking water, airing up bike tires, signing up for the Hawaii Ironman, and drinking energy drinks vs sports drinks. Here's what you need to know.

Times have changed. These days, 'old timers' over 40 are kicking butt and taking names. It's never too late to start training for triathlons! Here are some inspirational people who've done it... over 40.

The longest leg in every triathlon is cycling, which means you're going to be spending a lot of time training on a bike. Biking, compared to swimming and running, also involves the most gear. The first thing you need is a bike, and there is a LOT to consider. Do you want a road bike or a triathlon bike? What about new vs used? Here are some tips for buying your first triathlon bike.

I thought I was a pretty good swimmer until I joined the Masters Swim class at our local YMCA. There I was - Mr. Triathlon man, ready to show everyone just how triathlony I was! But I was humbled during that first swim class, and I realized I had a lot to learn and a long way to go. I'm so thankful that I decided to stick with the class, despite the rocky start. Here's why...