The sport of triathlon is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. We laugh, we cry, we celebrate, we agonize. We train hard, we race hard, and we push ourselves to our furthest limits, and consider all of this fulfilling!
Robin Williams once said, “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” Maybe that’s what we are doing as triathletes – giving expression in our own way to that little spark of madness.
So, I decided to close out one year and start a new one on The Fun Times Guide to Triathlons with some special awards.
Jim’s Fun Times Guide Triathlon Awards
Most laughable triathlon commercial
Most significant triathlon human interest story
Most inspiring triathlon video
Most inspiring female triathlete
Most creative presentation of the Ironman triathlon
Most encouraging message for those who say “I can’t.”
Endurance athlete comeback award
Best Ironman photography journal
Rookie celebrity triathlete award
Most inspiring quote for endurance athletes:
Life, to me, is a series of false limits and my challenge as an athlete is to explore those limits. — Lance Armstrong
A Time To Remember…
In 2008, there were triathlon fatalities.
Our hearts go out to all the family members and friends who have had to walk the painful journey of losing someone they deeply loved.
The triathlon fatalities I know of are listed below. I include them as a special triathlon tribute in their honor. If you know of others that you would like to pay tribute to, feel free to use the comment section.
Donald Morehouse
John Hobgood Jr.
Esteban Neira
Patrick Kane
Jim Goodman
David Martin