Articles Tagged:

nerves and fear

Windy triathlon conditions will at some point come into play at one of your triathlon events. Windy conditions are probably the most adverse weather situation a triathlete has to contend with -- especially in the swimming portion of the event. Here's how to handle high wind and waves when swimming.

Diane is a newbie triathlete who shares some tips about getting into the sport of triathlon and how she is dealing with her swimming phobia. Turns out, the fear of swimming in open water is not at all uncommon. Here are some solutions...

I just returned home from a triathlon trip; I competed in an Olympic distance triathlon a few hours from where I live. With it fresh in my mind, what follows are some tips regarding race day of your triathlon -- including what to pack and how to prepare the night before the event.

What is a Sprint Triathlon? How do you know where to start? What is on-site registration like? Those are a few of the questions you're likely to have as a new triathlete. It's also quite possible there will be times when, despite all your training and preparation, there will be a voice in your head as you swim, bike, or run that will call into question whether or not you are going to be able to do it. You CAN do it... here's how!

Cycling shoes and clipless pedals allow your feet to be secured into the pedals, so your pedaling motion can utilize both the downward push of your quads and the upward pull of your hamstring. Here is some advice for using clipless pedals for the first time.

I feel overwhelming gratitude for the people I have met and the new friends I have made along the way of training and competing in triathlons. These people have greatly impacted my life. I learned an important life lesson: don't judge people, because there is always more you don't know about someone than what you do know.

One big reason why you will be glad you finished your first triathlon is: The person coming out of the water will not be the same one who went in. After completing the swim, doing the bike, and running across the finish line, it will be a different you. Maybe it is not so much a 'different' you, but a part of you that has only now been awakened.